

Monday, July 20, 2015

Marketing is freaking exhausting

I just released a book last Friday. If you haven’t heard, then you’ve either been living under a rock or all my marketing efforts were a waste. Either way, I’m exhausted. Was it worth it? Let’s see…

Writers and aspiring authors everywhere: Please be advised that writing is the easy part. Marketing, spreading the word about your wonderful books, finding readers, is the hard part.

Really hard. Suck-all-your-energy-away-until-you-are-rocking-in-a-corner hard part and have no energy left to write.

I love interacting with readers. I enjoy social networking. I enjoy blogging, tweeting and posting to Google+ and Facebook. I do these things on a regular basis to make connections, interact and build relationships with readers and fellow writers.

While working on the release of Choosing to Dream, I pushed my marketing into high gear on all my social networks, hopefully enough to get the word out and not too much that I started to annoy people. Crosses fingers.

I also ran an ad on Facebook while putting my first book in the series, Sweet Dreams, on sale for $0.99 for the four days before my release of the sequel.

In addition to the above, I submitted my book to a few bloggers for review, which haven’t come back yet, created and promoted a book trailer, and submitted the sale of Sweet Dreams to a few sale sites that offer free ads.

Next, I organized my own blog tour. I have a beautiful group of writing friends who agreed to host a guest post, excerpt, or interview on their blogs, hopefully extending my reach to their followers.

Lastly, I had a seven-hour release day bash on Facebook, hosted by PageCurl Publishing and Promotion. It was awesome. We had thirteen hosts, including me, each with a thirty-minute slot. Great interaction from readers, a ton of giveaways, and great authors, all made the event a success, not to mention the tireless work of my PA, Melody. By the end of the event, my eyes were read, sore, watering, and I could barely keep them open, I was so exhausted.

The results: Great exposure for my new release, new subscribers to my mailing list, new followers on social media, and new romance lovers reading my books, not to mention a huge bump in my ranking on Amazon. I couldn’t have done any of it without my awesome team at PageCurl Publishing andPromotion. But I am exhausted. My friend ran a 3 day marathon, I just feel like I did. It was worth it and I will do it all again for the next big release, but between then and now, I will be taking a little break. Oh, I’ll still be blogging and posting on social, but I will be cutting way back on my marketing efforts. I should probably continue full steam ahead, but honestly, I need a break. I want to start writing again. I haven’t written anything new in quite some time. Time to write.

Oh, and if you’d like to read my books and newest release, you can find them here.

Because the marketing doesn’t ever really end.
Jennifer Senhaji was born and raised in San Francisco, CA, and is married with two children. If she’s not singing along at the top of her lungs to whatever is playing on the radio, you can find her making music playlists at home on her laptop. She works full time and splits her spare time between family, reading, blogging, and writing. Other than English, Jennifer speaks Spanish, Moroccan, and a little French. She loves to travel, but doesn’t do enough of it and will weave places she has gone or wants to go into her stories. Reading has been a passion for most of her life and she loves to write. She calls herself Your Sweet and Spicy Romance Author because she loves the sweet nuances of new love, but also is a bit of a voyeur and wants to be in the bedroom when the characters finally come together. You can find Jennifer and all her book links and social media links on her website at

Monday, July 13, 2015

Real Romance

The romance novels of old spoke of refined ladies, dapper gentlemen, saucy wenches, and sexy scoundrels. In today’s contemporary romance novels, you’ll still find all of the above, but you’ll also find strong heroines, capable of saving themselves.

But romance isn’t always romantic, just like people aren’t always perfect. That’s what makes it and them genuine.

What do I mean?

·         Heroes aren’t perfect. They are flawed beings that have heroic moments. When put to a test, they may fail a few times, but eventually will do the right thing.

·         Sex is messy. Yep, there’s this thing called gravity and physics and fluids don’t stay where you want them to. I write great sex. Maybe not always realistic, but fan-freaking-tastic. However, there will be times when things get a little awkward. Because in real life, that happens.

·         Bodily functions: Yep, we all have them, including fictional characters.

·         Insecurities. You may be a strong person, but everyone has insecurities. Love is one of the easiest things to misread. Why? Because we are all so ready to believe something negative than something positive, we overlook that person who is head-over-heels in love with all our flaws.

Does this mean that my books are full of self-depreciating assholes who fart while having sex?

No. But there will be real doubt, real flaws, real problems, and maybe an occasional fart, because sex can also be funny.
Do you enjoy real life quirks in your romance novels or do you want it all to be fantastical bliss?

I was born and raised in San Francisco, CA, and have a husband and two children. Music is an addiction. I can often be found in the car, singing along at the top of my lungs to whatever is playing. I work full time, and I split my spare time between family, reading, blogging, and writing. I’m a habitual quoter. Lines from films and TV shows constantly pop into my head—my kids are the only ones that really get it. I’m an only child, and so of course I married a man who is one of ten children. Other than English, I speak Spanish, Moroccan, and a little French. I love to travel, but don’t do enough of it. Reading has been a passion for most of my life and I now love writing. I’m klutz, and in my own mind, I’m hilarious.
Find me at

Choosing to Dream, Book 2 in the Sunset Dreams Series, Releases Friday, July 17th, 2015. Join my release day bash by clicking on the photo below.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cover Reveal and Teaser for Protector by Jessica Wilde

I am pleased to reveal the cover of Protector, by Jessica Wilde.
Jessica is my biggest fan. It wasn't until I read her review of my second book, Sea Breeze, that I realized she was also an author, and a best selling author at that. Wow. So of course, I had to find out more about her books.
Her best selling series, The Brannock Siblings, has a brand new book coming out the same day as my new release, Choosing to Dream. So cool. So, let's take a peek at the new cover, a synopsis, and a little teaser for Protector,  Book 4 of The Brannock Siblings Series.

Title: Protector (The Brannock Siblings #4)
Author: Jessica Wilde
Release Date: July 17, 2015
Hosted by: Always Behind A Book

Isabelle Brannock was adored by her children in every possible way. Her ability to love reflects in each of them and to this day, they remember the never ending happiness she and their father, Liam, shared. However, life wasn't always beautiful and their magnificent mother kept her dark secrets buried away so her children would always remember that family is the most important thing.
Liam Brannock has watched his children find that same happiness he knew so well and, as a father, he couldn't be prouder. Knowing that the struggles each of them endured were worth the sacrifices they made to find the love of their lives, he finally feels content with revealing the secrets Isabelle worked so hard to keep.
Liam tells his children the story of how he met their mother and the secrets they never suspected would be possible for a woman who lived each day showing her children that love conquers all.
Note to readers:
This is Liam and Isabelle's story as well as updates on Ash, Con, and Gus.
This cannot be read as a standalone.
Series Order:
Book 1 - Leverage
Book 2 - Conned
Book 3 - Missing
Book 4 – Protector
Pre-Order Protector on Amazon:        

About the Author:
I live in Morgan Utah with my husband, daughter, and dog, Kolo. I write as often as my active daughter will let me and my husband has the patience of a saint. I find inspiration from dreams, people I meet, and life experiences. When I write, I usually end up drinking one too many cans of Peace Tea, eating three too many Fruit by the Foot fruit snacks, and accidently kicking my pup and best buddy, Kolo, too many times since he loves to sleep under my desk at my feet.
I started writing as a teen, but my fear of the unknown won out every time and I threw everything out. After becoming a mother and deciding to stay at home to raise my beautiful little girl, I tried again when I couldn't stop thinking of ideas. I loved every minute, every hour of sleep lost, and every character that came to life in my mind.
It's strange, but my favorite moments are when I have writer's block because I can turn to my husband and find inspiration through him by just doing what we do best together. Talking, laughing, and just being in love. He doesn't like to read, but he never stops encouraging me to keep going.
Writing has become an important part of my life and every book has a special place in my heart.
Love this lady.
Follow Jessica:
Hosted By Always Behind A Book:
You can find me and all my social media links on my website at
Signup to join my Dream Team to receive sneak peeks and access to my sweet and spicy tips.

Choosing to Dream, Book 2 in my Sunset Dreams Series, releases July 17, 2015 and is now available for pre-order.

Thanks for reading.