

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Priorities...Sometimes we are so busy it is easy to forget what is really important.
I am posting my Monday blog today because yesterday when I would normally be home blogging, I was enjoying my sons Little League Playoff game. I was there when he hit a 3 run homer cheering him on like a crazy fangirl.
Tonight I was there again when his team came from behind 9-2 to tie it 9-9 in the last inning.
I am so proud of him. He had a great first baseball season and I have been to every single game except 1.
There is a ton I still have to do to make my release next month happen, but taking time out to make the game and my son a priority is way more important.
Remember as you are wrapped up in your careers, errands, tv shows, whatever, that there are some things in life you can't miss.
Happy Tuesday!

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