

Monday, July 21, 2014

Group Love-Something for Everyone

Relatively new to the writing community, I had no idea there were so many people out there in the world that I could connect with online. Open minded, wonderful writers, published and not yet published, who support each other.

I have stumbled upon a few writing groups that have become so important to me, I don't know how I have done without them until now.

Twitter is my favorite platform for making new connections. Through Twitter, I found the first group I joined called 10 Minute Novelists that commune on Facebook and Twitter. I was welcomed with open arms and have since been enjoying all the chats on both Facebook and Twitter. These are writers, men and women, who are in all stages of their careers. Some are published, some not, some are poets, some write non fiction, some fiction... the list goes on. But each one of them is there to contribute, learn and cheer on their fellow members. I feel like I have found a second home there and truly enjoy my time interacting with them.

I also joined a group on Facebook called Women Writers, where the feeling is similar. They share their struggles and successes and help one another through it all.

My romance writer friends at 10 Minute Novelists have also created a group called Writing Wenches, of which I am also a member. We can talk romance writing specifically and get tips and feedback from each other.

In each of these groups, we discuss editing, publishing, story development, marketing, resources, you name it, we discuss it. Even the famous K.M Weiland, yes I am name dropping here, author of best selling fiction and writing guru, has stopped by to host a chat.

I, of course, am a member and author on Goodreads, which everyone should join. It is like having an online book club to discuss and review your favorite books. There are so many groups and discussions happening on Goodreads, that everyone, no matter what genre or taste, can find what interests them.

There are a few groups on Google+ that I have also joined, although I am still getting used to using Google+, that I like and follow. I haven't really started interacting too much with those folks yet, but they are there and their numbers are growing like weeds.

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Goodreads, the point is there are so many groups out there that writers or aspiring authors can join, that need to join, that should join, there is no reason to feel alone. If you don't have a writing circle or group that you meet with in person on a regular basis, it's ok. There are plenty of online communities to join and feel the love.

Go out there and find your group love.

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