

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sexy New Things

I took a long weekend with my husband and two kids, a mini vacation before school starts, in San Diego. While I was contemplating my Monday blog post, a couple things happened on this trip that I thought were extremely sexy. Everyone has different things that turn them on and I have several, but during this trip I found a couple new ones.

I witnessed my husband change a tire for the first time when we got a flat after a day at the beach. He pulled over, took out the spare and got to work while my kids and I stood next to the car and watched. He changed the tire with ease, on the side of the road, in like 10 minutes and I stood there thinking...hello sexy.

Spending a long weekend in San Diego, I played at three different beaches, over three days and spent most of my time riding the waves on my new boogie board. I've always wanted to learn how to surf, but haven't yet. I say "yet" now, instead of "never did" because after this past weekend, I think I might just get around to it. I had so much fun. And each time I walked out into the waves, with my board under one arm, skin sun kissed, I thought...damn I'm sexy. 

Let me qualify this by saying, normally I do not feel sexy in my bikini at all, except when my husband ogles my boobs. Then I feel like I can conquer the world...oh yeah compliments from my husband are sexy.

No a bikini is not a comfortable look for me, but I felt sexy walking into the surf. And I felt sexy when I magically changed in and out of my bikini on the beach under my towel like a pro.

So yeah my husband surprised me and I surprised myself. Maybe I was a beach bum in a former life with a grease monkey man, who knows, but I found a couple of new things I think are sexy.

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