

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Generation Gap

The generation gap...

This weekend I attended my annual family picnic. It is centered around my grandmother'a birthday and close to my aunt's and uncle's birthday as well. We celebrate every year, the first weekend in August and this year my grandmother turned 90. 

90! Wow, that is an amazing milestone to reach. You can only imagine everything she has been witness to in her life time. 

How about the the fallout from WW1. Living through the WW2, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, 911...Ok, what else?

The civil rights movement, JFK and Martin  Luther King, the feminist movement, the Berlin Wall coming down.

Also radio, early film, tv, fax, cell phones, computers, the internet, the mind boggles.

Amazingly enough, when I was born, my grandmother's grandmother was still alive. That was 5 generations, there is a picture somewhere of us all. When my daughter was born, my great grandmother was alive and my daughter remembers her. She was a tough, tell it like it is kind of woman.

This weekend we had a photographer at the picnic who captured some photos for us including a photo of each of the 4 generations now together for this event. My kids were in the great grandchildren photo. 

We laughed together. Played numerous games together. There was horseshoes, three legged race, watermelon eating contest, baseball, volleyball, water baloon toss and bingo. 

And the 4 generations ages 4-90 all played and ate and enjoyed each other's company. 

Lucky... I am truly blessed to have a family that makes the effort to come together every year and just be together. Some of my cousins came from out of state. 

Every generation has their own experiences, but the truly amazing thing is when you can come together as one and share them.

Then you see the generation gap is not as big as we think it is. 

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