

Monday, December 8, 2014

Interview with Sheri Williams, author of Mad Magic

I loved this book so much I knew I had to blog about it.
Here is the blurb:

This is not your mother’s Wonderland.

What happens when you take a beloved children’s book character, give him a back story and a provocative demeanor, and update him to the 21st century? You get a thoroughly charismatic Mad Hatter that goes well beyond what Lewis Carroll ever imagined.

When Addy meets a mysterious man, literally from her dreams, she thinks she is doing a good deed by taking care of him, but, in the end, who is saving whom? In the fight to save Wonderland, Addy not only discovers a world that exists beneath her own, but the secrets within her as well.

Author Sheri Williams’ debut novel is sexy, fun, and adventurous. She artfully weaves a tale full of romance and action to set the stage for the beloved characters to come to life in a new and exciting way.

And here is my review from Amazon:

5 Stars-I loved this book. I was hooked from the beginning, when we meet Hatter who has lost his color. Hatter is an adorable and sweet gentleman, who has lost his memory. Addy is a strong and caring young woman who becomes the hero of our story, discovering a secret about herself and family that is the key to saving Hatter and Wonderland.

The author does a wonderful job blending elements from the original story into an entirely new romantic adventure. This book, however, in my opinion is not a re-telling, but an absolutely original work loosly based on the characters found in the classic.

Her strong female lead, wonderful writing, and loveable Hatter, have turned me into a fan. I will definitely continue to read other works by this author.

I was so thrilled when Sheri agreed to talk to me about this book, I jumped at the chance to interview her.

JS-Sheri, thank you for talking about Mad Magic, The Untold Story of the Mad Hatter. Let's get to it.
How did you come up with the idea to write a Hatter who had lost his color and his way?
SW-Um...I knew I wanted to write about the Mad Hatter, he’s my favorite literary character of all time. Him losing his color came from looking at some old photographs with my mother in law. It made me think about what my life would have been like if it had been lived in black and white.
JS-I love that, what a great way to use a thought like that and develop it into a story. Addy is a strong heroine. What do you like best about her?
SW-I have use for weak willed women. I don’t want my girls growing up like that. So you’ll never see me write about a woman who needs saving. I like that once she makes up her mind, she sticks to it. She might waver but she will never give up. That will probably be a theme through all of my books. Never give up, Never surrender (doctor who nerd)
JS-Yes, I love that. How did you pick and choose what elements to use from the original work into your story?

SW-I walked a fine line here. I wanted people to recognize the world and the characters but I didn’t want to rip it off completely. I have a huge respect for the original story, I hope I did it justice with the characters I came up with.

JS-Absolutely, I felt the connection to the original Alice in Wonderland, but this story also felt completely original to me. Is this a love story, a fantasy or both? Why?

SW-It’s both. A love story set in a fantastical world. Because both are important in our world. The earth would be a dreary place if people gave up on either.

JS-Nice. If Mad Magic was ever made into a film, who would you cast as Hatter? Addy?

SW-Um, Tom Hiddleston definitely for the Hatter. le sigh. Maybe Kat Dennings for Addy, smart and sassy. My kind of girl.

JS-Oh yes, I can definitely see Tom as Hatter. How long did it take you to write?

SW-It took me almost a full year. I worked on it off and on just for myself for a long time, but then I stumbled upon a publisher and I had to finish it, so I threw myself into it and finished it quickly.

JS-I am so happy you did. Which movie version of Alice in Wonderland is your favorite?

SW-Totally the cartoon Disney Version. I still watch it regularly with my girls. Although, I really enjoyed the SyFy channel's take on it with Alice. I think they did the best Mad Hatter.

JS-Oh, I love the Disney cartoon version as well. This is a standalone book, but would you consider continuing the story? Making it a series?

SW-I think I am going to keep it a standalone, in one aspect, but I do plan a trilogy of fairy tale retellings.  Started with Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and the Huntsman is up next and then I have the first kernels of an idea for a Peter Pan story. Because, mermaids :)

JS-I didn't know that. That is awesome, so exciting, I can't wait. Er...sorry for the fangirl moment. Back to business. What do you want readers to take away from the book? Is there an underlying message?

SW-Sappy, romantic me here, I really hope people take from it that you should never give up, specifically not on love. It’s too important. Also, I hope it’s just a good read.
JS- It is such a good read. And finally, where can everyone buy it?

SW- Thank you for asking. Here are the links:

Amazon for Kindle and Print
and on  Word Branch Publishing Book Shop

Thank you, Sheri. Love the hair. 

For more about Sheri, check out my Author Interview with Sheri on Writing Wenches, where she discusses all three books she has published in the last month as well as her writing style and other tidbits.

Check out Sheri's Amazon Author Page for all her current books.

You can find Sheri on Facebook at and on Twitter at

Happy Reading.

Jennifer Senhaji, Your Sweet & Spicy Romance Author

Find me online at


1 comment:

  1. I really loved the Hatter with no color. It worked really well. I'm almost finished with Mad Magic and I love it. Can't wait to see what you do with Peter Pan and mermaids!
