

Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Resolutions-A Writer's List

It's a new year and time to look back and look forward.
Always wanting to improve and grow, I'm making a list of resolutions. Not the usual list of promises to myself to lose weight, and join the local gym. No. The list I'm making this year is specific to writing. I want goals that will challenge me, but that I can also achieve without making myself crazy. Here is the short list, although if the coming year is anything like the last year, I'm sure the list itself will grow as I do.

1. Schedule Writing Time-This one seems easy, but when left without a schedule I end up writing when I should be spending time with my family and watching Netflix when I should be writing.

2. Publish Two Works of Fiction-I'm leaving this at two although I would love to make it three. You never know, could be four. 

3. Develop New Romance Series-I have a new series in mind that could mean a few books down the road. I want to outline the first two books in the series and put them on the calendar.

4. Use a Manual Agenda for Scheduling Writing Assignments-This year, I found my phone calendar did not do it for me. I'm going back to the old fashioned hand written agenda, so I always know what assignments are due before the day they are due.

5. Develop a Newsletter-This is a big one and something I've been meaning to add to my author platform.

So many other things are going through my mind, but I like knowing my goals are attainable. It keeps me focused and positive. I want to set myself up to succeed, not to fail.

What are your resolutions this year?

Happy New Year.

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