

Monday, February 9, 2015

Help Support Fellow Authors

In late January, it came to my attention a few of my author friends had books releasing in February. What a perfect time to celebrate them. So, I offered to feature them, each on my blog, by doing an author interview. It was such a great feeling giving those authors a place, center stage on my blog that I decided to make it a month long event.

So I've launched Feature February and I'm hosting it on my Word Press blog. Yes, I have another blog on Word Press. I also write twice a month for the Writing Wenches. How do I have time for all these blogs?  I make time. But let's not get off track.

This month, I've made time for my fellow authors. They work hard, they are all unique, have something special to say, and they deserve the spotlight. I firmly believe in supporting my fellow writers and authors. I know I would've been lost and maybe still would be if it hadn't been for a few authors, giving me tips, showing me the way, and mentoring me along my first few months in this business. Every single day, I learn from them.

We are not alone. Writing is a solitary experience, but so many people are needed to make you a successful author. Not only your readers, but all the people that come before them: your editor, cover designer, formatter, beta readers, critique partners, marketing partners, bloggers...And most of these people are also writers.

I know some of the most avid readers are writers, so thank you, fellow writers and authors, for teaching and supporting me. I truly appreciate you and feel lucky to be part of this community.

You can find Feature February here:
Follow along and meet some great authors.

You can find me online at

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