

Monday, June 1, 2015

Character Interview with Jordan from Sea Breeze

On May 27th, I published a romance entitled Sea Breeze. Jordan, my FMC, just stopped by for a quick chat. 

Jennifer: “Jordan, thank you for joining me today and congratulations on the new release of Sea Breeze. Tell me, what made you decide to take a cruise?”

Jordan: “That’s harder to answer than you’d think. I’ve lived in Vegas my entire life. This was the first opportunity I’ve had to leave. When my coworker, Kim, told me her “boyfriend” wasn’t going with her, I offered to buy the ticket. I needed it. Desperately.”

Jennifer: “Wow, so you’ve never left the city of Las Vegas. I can understand how that could be suffocating. I could use a vacation myself.” Where did you go? What did you see?”

Jordan: “Right.”

She squirms in her seat indicating I may have hit a nerve.

Jennifer: “Where did you go? What did you see?”

Jordan: “The plane ride was long, but once I arrived in Miami and glimpsed the ocean, my sore back was quickly forgotten. Fourteen days in the Caribbean. This ship was the size of a small city. I live in Vegas, so I’m used to large casinos and all that, but I never imaged something that big would be able to float on the water. And so much to do on board. San Juan, Puerto Rico is vibrant. So much to see and not nearly enough time. The food— my goodness. I tried so many different dishes in Puerto Rico. And the music was… intoxicating. Ocho RĂ­os, Jamaica was the closest thing to paradise I had ever imagined. Natural springs. Waterfalls. Rivers. Beaches. We spent most of our time in the water.”

Jennifer: “You and Kim?”

Jordan blushes.

Jordan: “No. Actually I didn’t really see Kim for most of the trip. She spent the majority of her time catching up with old friends. They had planned the vacation as a reunion of sorts. Her friends were nice, but I felt like a third wheel around them.”

Jennifer: “So who was with you in Jamaica?”

Jordan: “Eric. He’s a bartender on the ship which, initially, had me running in the opposite direction. I know what bartenders are like. But we hit it off.  He was… unexpected.”

Jennifer: “And?”

Jordan: “I wasn’t looking to meet anyone on this cruise. I took the trip for other reasons, but he’s interesting, sexy, and adventurous which really appeals to me. Eric really helped me open my eyes to the world and all its possibilities.”

Jennifer: “What would you like to say to our audience?”

Jordan: “Life is short. There’s a whole world out there to see. Don’t miss it.”
Thank you for stopping by.
Here's the blurb for Sea Breeze, a contemporary romance novella:
Jordan has never been in love, or been anywhere. Trapped in Vegas, she schleps drinks and dodges losers, while suffering under a burden only she can shoulder. Her life is an endless stretch of blah with no escape.
Until now.
Instead of looking back, she’s sailing forward.
Eric has left his family and friends in San Francisco to travel the world, tending bar on a cruise ship to fund his adventures. He can charm any coed who comes aboard, but Jordan sees right through him.
On the blue cobblestone streets of San Juan, everything changes. Food. Music. Exotic locations. Possibilities. Setting out to discover the world, will Jordan discover herself?
Sometimes, adventure can set you free…
If your interested in reading more, Sea Breeze is now available on Amazon and is free with Kindle Unlimited.
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