

Monday, May 19, 2014

Building up to a Release!

In my opinion, building up to a Release is a delicate thing.

You can't rush it, but you can't spend too much time on it either or you run the risk of irritation.

You need to make the right moves and create enough excitement so that the Release is explosive, not anticlimactic.

Ahem...I do write romance so I know what some of you must be thinking, but I am not talking about that kind of release, although I guess the above does apply as well.

No, I am talking about building up to the Book Release.

Ok, have you stopped blushing now?


Building up to my book release is complicated. I have a date in mind, but I don't want to announce it until I am absolutely sure that everything is in place. I wouldn't want an unforeseen hiccup to force me to reschedule, that would be bad form in my opinion.

So as I work with my format and cover designer to get the Amazon, IBooks, B&N Nook and Smashwords versions finished along with my print version (yes, if everything goes as planned I will have a print version available on Amazon for purchase as well) I have discovered there is so much more to do in producing the final version.

I thought once the manuscript was final, I could format, upload and then market for my release date.

Here is what else I have to do.

Finalize my Author Bio for the back of my print book and end of my ebook
Finalize the blurb for the back of the print book to grab a potential reader
Finalize a book synopsis for ebook sites
Finalize my web banner that I will use on my website, Twitter and Facebook
Coordinate with my designer on a cover reveal and blog tour
Set up for pre-orders with all retailers
Add links to my website for all retailers

And announce Release Date.

Whew, these were unexpected tasks that take longer than you would think.

So, I must pace myself, not rush. Timing is imperative.

After all is said and done I want my Release to be explosive!

Like and Follow my Author Page on Facebook for Book and Author Recs and updates on my self publishing journey.

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