

Monday, May 12, 2014

Flipping Hot!

Flipping Hot! That is what I was thinking today when I arrived at my son's Little League Baseball game at 6pm and my dashboard read 90F.

Which lead me to think of the word hot, which lead me to think of my main character, which led me to think of stomach flips.

You see where I am going with this.

I write romance. My book Sweet Dreams, coming Summer 2014 is a contemporary romance. There is chemistry, there is a love story, there are laughs.

I'll be honest and say there are also some hot moments in the book that make my stomach flip.

Yeah, you know that feeling. When your stomach feels fluttery when thinking about that special someone that makes your pulse race. When you kiss that someone for the first, second or third time. When just seeing their face makes you feel like you just drove over a dip in the road way too fast.

Yeah. That feeling. The stomach flip. One of the best feelings in the world. I believe it is comprised of anticipation, nerves, attraction and excitement.

The build up between my two main characters definitely makes my stomach flip which I'm hoping means I have created some great chemistry on the page. When you read it, I hope it will make your stomach flip as well.

The heat today also made me think of summer, making my stomach flip for an entirely different reason.

I am releasing my book Sweet Dreams this summer. I haven't announced the date, but we are getting close.

Manuscript is final, copyright is filed, contract with cover designer is signed, cover design is being finalized...It is getting close.

I am so excited, the anticipation is amazing, I am nervous and my stomach is flipping.

Summer is getting closer, and I love the warm weather. Time for sipping cool drinks in the shade and swimming in the sun.

Summer is also time for the release of my first book, Sweet Dreams.

It's flipping hot!

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