

Monday, July 7, 2014

Release Day!!!

Extra, Extra, Read All About It! It's Release Day!!!

Sweet Dreams is available for purchase at all major online retailers today 7/7/2014!!!
What an amazing feeling. I, Jennifer Senhaji, am now a published author.


So now my book Sweet Dreams is out there for the whole world to read.

I feel truly blessed and have met so many great people during this process.

For those of you who don't know, I started writing Sweet Dreams in October 2013.

I finished writing the book in January 2014 and started sending out query letters to literary agents.

In April 2014, I decided to self publish.

Since then I have been editing, revising, editing and revising and trying to soak up as much information on self publishing as possible.

It has been an amazing journey.

Soon I will be updating my website with helpful links for anyone embarking on their own self publishing journey.

Thank you so much to all my friends and family for your support.

For information on Sweet Dreams please visit my website at

Sweet Dreams Everyone!

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