

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Writing Process Blog Hop

I'm It! Thanks Ariel Gordon Berstein for the tag. Check out Ariel's Blog at

So this is my first Blog Hop and I jumped at the chance to participate, pun intended.

The premise is pretty simple.
There are four questions, all the same for each author's blog, so you reader can learn a little more about me and my writing process.

The cool thing is, each author has their own process, so in the process of writing this and reading their blogs, you and I, we, get to all know each other a little better.


So let's get hoppin!

Question 1: What am I working on?

Right now I am basking in the afterglow of the release of my first novel, a contemporary romance entitled Sweet Dreams. All the information is on my website

I published on 7/7/2014 and after all the work to get to that point, I am enjoying it. That doesn't mean the notebook I carry around in my purse, with the outline for the sequel, hasn't been reminding me and my shoulder that it is time to work on the next book.

I am writing a sequel to Sweet Dreams and pretty much have it plotted out and need to get working on it. 


No more blogging!

Wait, I love blogging!

Ok. More blogging, but I want to see more work on the sequel to Sweet Dreams for the foreseeable future. 

Well, no time like the present. 

Ok, ok! Geez, so pushy...


Question 2: How is my work different from others in its genre?

If you write a sub-genre that is awesomely unique, than this is where you sing your praises. Like-science fiction western meets vampire time traveler from the Regency Era.

Me, I write contemporary romance-a romance that could happen now, in our current time. 
This is one of, if not the most popular genres and as such, just like movies, every story has been done.

They meet, they fall, something keeps them apart, they find their way back to each other or something along those lines. 

The trick is to try to stand out amongst the crowd. I think the only way to do that is to tell the love story in your own unique voice/way. I have a rather loud internal voice and my characters do as well. I like hearing their inner thoughts.

Sweet and Spicy is the name of my game.

Sweet-two real people, finding each other in a real way, that makes you laugh, route for them, want to scream at them to get their heads out of you know where. The characters need to be believable people, people that you may like or dislike, but are relatable.

Spicy-the chemistry has to be on point. You have to feel your stomach flip while reading the intimate moments between the characters. I want your breath to quicken as you read my words. 
Yeah, it has to make your stomach flip.

Question 3: Why do I write what I do? 

I read romance and all its sub genres, sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, literary fiction, you name it. I write contemporary romance, because it just flows. I have a book that has been on the back burner for some time, that I will finish. It is closer to literary fiction and when I and it is ready, that one, I hope, will be amazing. For now, contemporary romance is what's flowing.

Question 4: How does my writing process work?

Once the story is in my head, I need to get it out as quickly as possible so I don't forget it. Not that I am forgetful, but the details that come to me in a fit of inspiration, can be easily forgotten as I try to get it all out on paper. So, I basically bullet point my outline from beginning to end by hand in a notebook. Next, I hand write out a short sentence or paragraph for each bullet point. Then, I go back and review timing and timeline. I look for room to add scenes and where to switch around scenes so the timeline I have works. Then, it is first draft time on the laptop...and then a million more drafts. Each draft I complete, I print out and edit by hand and then transfer edits to the digital file in my computer. I do save each draft in case I decide to delete out a scene that I want to bring back later. After a million edits and revisions, I send it out to my alpha readers to give me feedback on flow. After that, it is all about the editing. I have learned that I need to step away from the story, once I get close to the finished product, between edits so I can actually see, with fresh eyes, what needs to be done, since by that time I have it all memorized on a loop in my head.  Then it's off to the proof readers for a final read through. Final edits. Then it is time to format.


G.K. Moore, Tag you are it! Check out her website at 


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