

Monday, November 17, 2014

Finding Time To Write-Not Always Easy

Finding time to write is not as easy as I say it is. I'm usually one of those writers online encouraging other writers to write as often as they can. I belong to the 10 Minute Novelists Group, which helps time crunched writers find ten minutes here and there to work on their manuscripts. I've got a ton of tips to hand out, many of which can be used while working on Nano projects.
Here are just a few:
  • Step away from the t.v.
  • Use your smart phone when out and about to jot down notes
  • Wait until the household is asleep
  • Write late at night or early morning
  • Sit down for ten minutes and get as much as you can done
  • Do not self edit while writing, you can edit later
  • Use breaks at work to get your writing in.
and so on...

Honestly, this month has been kicking my ass. My day job is crazy busy, and I have no time for breaks at work. My son's birthday and my wedding anniversary both hit this week. I'm in the middle of marketing for my holiday short story, Angels in Disguise, releasing December 1st as part of the Writing Wenches holiday anthology, Unwrapping Love. My son was in the Fall Ball Little League Playoffs, which means Fridays and Sundays are baseball. (Since writing this, he played and won the championship game on Sunday 11/16-So proud.)

Oh and did I mention I'm in the middle of moving. Yep, packing up and moving me, my husband and two kids to a new house.

I think the last two weeks I've written three chapters of my WIP, between 3-4 blog posts (I honestly can't remember.) That is about it. Not good. I'm having withdrawals. The important thing, I guess, is to make sure I get back to work on my WIP as soon as possible-to not give up. It's hard being a writer. It's hard finding time when all you want to do, for the one hour you have before you pass out exhausted and do it all again tomorrow, is fall into your bed and catch up on episodes of The Black List and Vampire Diaries. Life gets in the way.

My fellow writers and masters of time management, I tip my hat to you.

Bees are busy? I wish I could fly away and write for a while. I'm picturing a little cottage, stocked with great coffee, food that is delivered, and impeccable internet. Where do you write? Do you have a writer's cave or getaway. Share and let me live vicariously through you.

Jennifer Senhaji
Your Sweet and Spicy Romance Author

Oh and because the Writing Wenches holiday anthology, Unwrapping Love is awesome, think about coming to our release party on December 1st.


  1. I WISH I had a little writers hidey-hole :) Keep fighting the good fight and write on, hon!
