

Monday, November 10, 2014

Holiday Romance-Writing Together

Writing is mostly a solitary endeavor. Not so, when writing as part of an anthology. At least not in my experience. I have my second book coming out on December 1st, 2014, Angels in Disguise, which will be published as part of the Writing Wenches Holiday Anthology, Unwrapping Love, available now for preorder on Amazon.

While working on Angels in Disguise, I was in constant contact with my fellow writers. We checked in on each other's progress, critiqued each other's work along the way, and all raced together toward our deadline for final drafts to our editor. We have an amazing editor, cover designer, and publicist. PageCurl Publishing is putting out the anthology, professionally formatted, professionally edited, and professionally designed. Twenty-one authors, all coming together to make this happen. Twenty-one authors who agreed on a theme, length, book cover, teasers, blurbs, ratings, formatting, and so many other details. How did we do it? Team work, lots of voting and lots of collaboration. The truth is, this group is amazing.  Each wench and bar keep is open minded and supportive. As individuals, we dance to our own beat, each different in our own ways. Together, we bump and grind to the same cool rhythm, complimenting each other. 
We have a snow flake rating, for each of the twenty-one stories included, from 1-4. The rating is based on the melting power of the story's heat. Mine has a 2 snowflake designation. Yep, that sounds about right. Here is a little teaser from Angels in Disguise.
So let's be honest, I'm pretty much jumping up and down and squealing with glee, every time I think about having a second book published this year, but it was very hard work. Using my breaks and lunch time at the day job to get writing and editing done. Coming home from work to do more editing, marketing, and more writing. Writing and editing on weekends and in the evenings. All while also trying to keep working on the sequel to Sweet Dreams which I am scheduled to publish next year. Hard work, no free time and yet, it was fun. Want to know the best part? Getting to beta read stories by my fellow wenches.

Release date is December 1st. Stop by our release day bash on Facebook to meet the authors, play some games and win some very cool prizes.
Two books in one year...Sweet!
Jennifer Senhaji-Your Sweet and Spicy Romance Author

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