

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Blog Hop and Holiday Giveaway

Angels in Disguise, is my new holiday short featured in Unwrapping Love, a Writing Wenches Holiday Anthology. My story takes place on New Year's Eve in Santa Monica at a costume-themed  music festival. Why costumes? I have no idea how I came up with that. I guess I just like to dress up. Maybe I was thinking about Halloween. I can't remember, but I love the idea of costume parties. I admit the name choices for the title and the characters came after I had the basic concept for my story.

Our angel is Gabe and our little devil is Alex, or is it the other way around. I guess you will need to read it to find out. Here is the blurb and a little teaser:

Gabe and his friends and Alex and her friends all head to a New Year's Eve music festival this year looking for a good time. Gabe, a self proclaimed connoisseur of women, is looking for a fun New Year's hookup and Alex, is a good girl, trying to reclaim her fun side after a bad breakup. The two meet and soon friendly banter turns into an unexpected attraction. Who will end up with who at midnight? Who is the angel in disguise?

Here's the thing...When writing this story, it just flowed. I'm not really sure how the whole story line came together, it just did. And fast. I'm usually a plotter and I use outlines. The characters in this story, however, decided to tell me where they wanted to go. I ended up creating the outline as I wrote, just to keep the story straight. I learned something while writing this...There is no right way to write.

There are constantly debates in the writing world about "Pantsters vs.Plotters" and I never really understood how "Pantsters" could just sit down and write without planning. I do now.

I'm very proud of Angels in Disguise and all the stories you will find in Unwrapping Love. Each author took the same concept (Bad Boy/Girl falls for Good Guy/Girl over the holidays) and made it their own, with their own unique twist.

If you would have asked me if it were possible to write and publish another book in less than four months, after publishing my novel Sweet Dreams in July, I would have said you were nuts. But here I am, with two books published in 2014. Amazing.

To celebrate, I am hosting a giveaway. Enter below for a chance to win a Kindle copy of my novel Sweet Dreams, which is available for purchase as well at all online retailers. Here is the blurb:

Meet Jenna Morris or Jen to her friends - the clumsy, bug phobic, music loving owner of Sweet Dreams Café in the small town of Maple Grove. Jen spends most of her time working, occasionally dating and is generally content and happy. Life is good in Maple Grove.

When Jen unexpectedly finds herself in an elevator one day with Jacob Walker, A-list actor and sexiest man alive, she catches her breath, smiles politely, wishes him a good day and amazingly keeps the encounter with the megastar to herself. That night, she indulges in one of his films on DVD at home wondering what he could possibly be doing in her small town.

Showing up a month later one morning at Sweet Dreams, Jake orders a coffee and blueberry muffin to go from Jen herself leaving her dumbfounded and feeling like an infatuated fangirl.

Soon he becomes her regular early morning customer stopping in almost every morning for coffee and conversation while shooting his latest movie on location the next town over. The two form an unlikely friendship as sparks fly and the chemistry builds between them.

Knowing Jake won’t be in town forever, Jen keeps her attraction and her feelings for Jake to herself. She knows once he finishes filming he will leave and life will go on as usual.

Or will it?

Under different circumstances could the friendship between Jen and Jake blossom into something more or is it all just Sweet Dreams?

Rafflecopter Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Unwrapping Love, is available for purchase on Amazon. 21 authors, 21 amazing stories.

Make sure to check out posts by some of the other authors of Unwrapping Love below.

Happy Holidays from Your Sweet and Spicy Romance Author.

Kay Blake contributed Winter's Gift. Her site is

Christine Cacciatore wrote Noah Cane's Candy. She blogs at .

Patricia D. Eddy wrote On The Eve of Love. Her website is

C. S. Kendall is the author of Second Chance Girl. She would love it if you would visit her at

Tami Lund is the author of The Perfect Christmas. You can find her at .

Misti Murphy contributed Christmas Candy. Her site is .

Quenby Olson wrote First Position. You can visit her at .

Keisha K. Page contributed Rhythm of Love. Her website is .

Grace Ravel wrote Shut Up and Kiss Me. Her site is

Jennifer Ray wrote Declan's Special. You can visit her at .

A.E. Snow contributed Miles and Mae. Her site is at

Sheri Williams wrote Numb, and is sharing the blog hop from the Writing Wenches main website at

S. K. Wills wrote Hanley's Secret. Her website is .

Allison Winfield is the author of Stay With Me. You can find her at .

Other stories in Unwrapping Love were contributed by:
Melody Barber
Sonja Frojendal
Melina Gillies
Michael Simko
Beth Stanley
K.R. Wilburn

Find me online at

1 comment:

  1. Heather Burgess, you are the winner of the Sweet Dreams giveaway. Thank you so much for participating in the Unwrapping Love Blog Hop. Your Kindle copy of Sweet Dreams is on its way. Happy New Year.
