

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sweet Winter Warm Up Giveaway

Jane over at invited me to take part in her Winter Warm-Up Blog Hop and I am so happy she did. I love giveaways and what better than to give the gift of books. Make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $75 Amazon gift card.

I write romance. Contemporary romance of the sweet and spicy variety to be more specific.

Romance is such an important part of any relationship in my opinion. Without it, you and your partner become monotonous robots only working, eating and sleeping. Some people think romance is hard to sustain. It's not. Some people also think it only comes in the form of grand gestures. It doesn't.

The grand gesture is nothing to complain about and should be attempted every once in a while if possible. But the majority of us don't have time for grand gestures on a daily basis. What's important are the little things. Little things make all the difference in the world.

On twitter I try to regularly tweet my sweet and spicy tips. Feel free to follow me here.

Some days my tips are food related. For example: Add a dash of chili powder to your favorite hot cocoa recipe and enjoy a cup of Mexican Chocolate.

Other days my tips are more general. For example: Give a total stranger a compliment today. It will make their day and yours.

But most are romance related. For example: Make an effort to seduce your partner. Don't wait for your partner to initiate sex. Act now. Everyone wants to feel wanted.

All of these are just little ways you can sweeten or spice up your life.

This year I published a romantic short, Angels in Disguise, featured in Unwrapping Love, A Writing Wenches Holiday Anthology. Yep. I am a Writing Wench. Want to learn more about us? You can find us online at

Twenty-one wenches, myself included, got together and created a holiday themed romance anthology. Twenty-one different authors with twenty-one very different stories, all in one great book.
We are all very proud of it. You can find it online on Amazon.

Make sure to check out our reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. You won't be disappointed.

My novel, Sweet Dreams, published in July, and I'm hosting my own little giveaway here on this blog hop. Click over to my Facebook Page and give it a Like and come back here and comment done and your number. I will choose a winner at random to receive a free Kindle copy of Sweet Dreams, and will announce the winner on my Facebook Page. You can find out all about Sweet Dreams, read the blurb and even watch the book trailer on my website at

Thanks for stopping by and make sure to enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win a $75 Amazon Gift Card. Happy Holidays.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I got # 273 on liking your fb page. Cheryl Booth Rogers

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Please email me at and I will send you a Kindle copy of Sweet Dreams. Happy Holidays!

  2. #274. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!
    liese1235 at gmail dot com

  3. Done. #275. Thanks for participating. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  4. Hi! Happy holidays! Thank you all for the fun!! Hope you have a blast with your family! done #276
